Business News Marketing

Lucknow: Jewellers eye pre-Covid glitter on Dhanteras

LUCKNOW. In view of the increase in footfall and pre-bookings city jewellers expect that sales of gold ornaments and coins this Dhanteras on Saturday may cross pre-Covid levels

Buying metal utensils, gold and silver is considered auspicious on Dhanteras. The

sale of gold and silver reaches its peak on this day After remaining low for the last

two years due to the pandemic the scenario seems to be changing this year as

the people have begun loosening their purse strings

“Based on the pre-bookings jewellers are confident of crossing sales figures of

2020 and 2021 which was Rs 205 crore and Rs 2067 crore respectively, and

matching the pre-covid sales,” said Adinsh Kumar Jain, vice president of Chowk

Sarafa Association

Tanya Rastogi director of a prominent jewellery shop in the city, said “After

fuctuating gold rates for about a month now the lower rates have coincided with

the festival which is skin as a reason behind a better year in terms of making

profits to most jewellery shop owners this year”

This year, the customers are not just looking forward to some jewellery which they

can wear on an everyday bass like earrings pendants and mangalsutras but they

are also investing in Nakshi jewelry with Lastnil and Ganesh embedded on them

they are experimenting with the modem age jewellery with a touch of tradition

said Gurpreet Singh business and sales manager of a branded jewelry store

However, Ravi Lodhi manager of a jewelry store in Mahanagar, sed the jewlery which can be worn easily on an everyday best without the stress of being stolen as prefered the most at our store



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